One Institute One Product

It has realized that there is a significant opportunity to contribute in developing the ecosystem for product development. The foundation wants to develop it through an institutional framework where students and faculty contribute to develop a sustainable product. Download PDF
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Machine Learning Hub

Scholarlab Foundation promotes "Machine Learning concepts for everyone". Machine Learning is a powerful tool for the students and research scholars. Hence we have made ‘Machine Learning Hub’ which is a noncommercial demonstration of different Machine Learning techniques for fun only. Go to Machine Learning Hub...
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Scholar Lab Foundation

Delivers industrial innovations being an extended arm of Indian premier institutes. It creates IP and co-hosts with institutes and Scholars. It develops products in an institutional framework.

ScholaLab engages multidisciplinary resources to deliver sustainable products. It conducts seminar, conferences to promote scientific product development process and innovation. It is working on developing an Institute which may offer courses on product development for aspiring scholars.

Research Resources: Young & Experienced

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Lab will engage research oriented talents through open platform. Research resources will be from multi-disciplinary domains. The resource pool will have optimum capacity with built in redundancy.

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IP Management: Co- Creation Of Social Value

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Lab will develop IP along with product and technologies. IP will be open to entrepreneurs for business. Co-creation of Business values by the participation from common people will be promoted.

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The Essence: Time and Team

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Research will be designed to have a logical outcome in a targeted time frame. Our open platform will promote & facilitate multi-disciplinary intellectuals of all age groups for co-innovation.

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R&D governance: The Expert Panels

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Lab has multidisciplinary expert panels to govern and manage research frameworks. Panels will sort and select supply & demand side of research ideas, engage resources, publish journals.

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Latest News

Scholar Lab Foundation signs MOU with Rashtriya Raksha University, Gujarat dated October-2024 to work collectively on innovations and market links in the defence sector. SLF and AIC RRU have agreed to work together to innovate and develop new products for the defence welfare and other social sectors’ welfare. View pamphlet.
Scholar Lab Foundation signs MOU with Grater Kolkata Collage of Engineering & Management dated August-2024 to work together to innovate and develop new products in the domain of Energy, Water management, Healthcare, IT, Environment and New Technology.
ScholarLab Foundation conducted Seminar on Charity & Product Development on 12th May 2024. Download PDF.
Scholar Lab Foundation along with Duncans Tea Ltd. conducted development workshops for Rural children Dated: 15th February-2024. We touched more than 1000 children in one year!
Scholar Lab Foundation signs MOU with IIT Kharagpur dated June-2023 to work collectively on product development.
Scholar Lab Foundation signs MOU with Institute of Engineering & Management Kolkata dated April-2023 on product development under the scheme of "One Institute One Product".
ScholarLab Foundation conducted Seminar on Product Development on 3rd February-2023. Download pamphlet.
Scholar Lab Foundation with the help of Duncans Tea Ltd. conducted development workshops for Rural children Dated: 14th Sep-2022, 06th Nov-2022 & 11th Dec-2022. We touched more than 300 children in six months!
Scholar Lab Foundation conducted Webinar on “Developing an ecosystem for accelerated innovation & product development in an open platform” Dated:10th April-2021. Download PDF.
Scholar Lab Foundation signs MOU with IIT Jodhpur dated October-2020 for translational research. A MOU to work collectively on product development. View CBSE News.

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