Return, Refund & Cancellation Policy

Donation could not be returned, refunded, & cancelled provided it has come from a legal entity, not convicted person or any religious fanatic organizations. If the fund comes from any of them which may be discovered at later stage, shall be returned fully.

Apart from that any donner inform us within 48 hours of transaction that the transaction has been carried out by mistake, a full refund will be given. This refund process will be executed manually by an Official authorized and documented by the Managing Director of the organization.

Since we are collecting donations only. There is no purchase and hence there is no Product/Services Purchase Flow for our customers.

Scholarlab Foundation is committed to securing your data and keep it confidential. Scholarlab Foundation has done all in its power to prevent data theft, unauthorized access, and disclosure by implementing the latest technologies and software, which help us safeguard all the information we collect online. In order to ensure this commitment our Donation Flow diagram is foolproof and manually variafiable at each steps. Our Donation process follows some business rules: (a) Donner shall be a registered member of Scholarlab Foundation. Nobody could donate, unless and until he or she has a registration with ScholarLab Foundation. Registration must be verified by email within a stipulated duration. Once the registration is done, the person can donate from the donation page. (b) Donner has to be logged in with login credentials before processing payment. (c) Payment amount could be visible to next 2 payment screen/Page, from where a donner could back out any time. (d) Payment data only visible to Donner himself and an Admin user of the database, authorized and documented by the Managing Director of the organization, no one else has the authority to view the payment. (e) Member registration data only visible to member himself and an Admin user of the database, authorized and documented by the Managing Director of the organization, no one else has the authority to view the data. (f) We shall not collect any Debit or credit card information, online banking or phone banking informations. Given below the Business process flow diagram in respect to Donation: